Burpple Guides Best Dog-Friendly Cafes and Restaurants in Singapore We know how hard it is for dog owners to peel themselves away from their beloved pets, even if it's to hunt down good food. With that in mind, we've put together this week's dog-friendly guide. All the establishments offer tasty food AND welcome dogs — most will ask that you sit alfresco, but we've made note of those who are cool with having dogs indoors. Some even go the extra mile in offering fur kids a bowl of water. From this Thomson pasta joint that holds dress-up parties for dogs to this Holland Village cafe that serves pooches sparkling water, here's a whole list of ideas to include your fur babies on your next makan trip.
Western Western More than just burgers and chicken chops.
High Tea, Cake, Dessert Desserts To Satisfy That Sweet Tooth I have a horrible sweet tooth. It has gotten to the point if you throw my dessert into the bin, I would consider taking it back out and eat it. 🙃😆
Hidden Gem, Thai, Cafe Bangkok Eats Documenting my Bangkok Adventure and recommending nice cafes :)
Travel, Chinese Taipei 🇹🇼 A beautiful city that's easy to navigate (especially if you can communicate in Chinese/mandarin) and so much to enjoy!