Enjoy dining without burning a hole in your pocket, no membership required
The #hicjuicechallenge this cleanse month may just very well be a good start! Join me in kick starting our healthier diets through a quick 3-day juice cleanse (YES PLS DONT JIO ME OUT)!
Just in case you're wondering about how this might all work out or whether it works, or not, stay tuned till Wednesday and I'll fill you guys in on my experience!
I'm on my first bottle now, and it tastes like BANANA! Ah, actually I'm quite nervous about not eating, but yay lets do it!
Wishing everyone good health in the new year and more foodie adventures ahead :)
Love these 250ml baby bottles of goodness. Yes you guys know how much of a juice and cleanfood freak I can be. Be sure to check out these special #sg50 juices at The Shop by HIC, #02-470 Suntec City Mall, 3 Temasek Blvd (Tower 1 & 2). Can't wait to drink up!
Healthy desserts are the best! Chocolate and chai seed!
Www.ms-skinnyfat.com #coldpressedjuices