Breakfast & Brunch, Cheap & Good, Hawker/Kopitiam Drinks $1.60 for aromatic traditional local tea with a ice blended twist! Beats any Starbucks or hipster angmoh wannabe. 👍🏻
Local Delight, Cheap & Good, Hawker/Kopitiam Hawker Food Hawker food at various hawker centers, food court and small eateries in Singapore
Local Delight, Cheap & Good, Hawker/Kopitiam For u that need hawker food Who says street-food / hawker food is not worth to try? Maybe you want to check out this list and change your mind ;)
Local Delight, Cheap & Good, Hawker/Kopitiam Hawker Fare Cheap & Good. Isn't that the best of both worlds? BUDGET TIME!