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From the Burpple community

(Tea Love Flowers 茶恋花) Hawthorn Plum Tea 山楂酸梅茶 ($3.90) was mixed flavour between sour and sweet aftertaste. Recommended by my friend she saw the shop pop-up pasar malam at punggol mrt.

Succulent marinated and grilled pork belly, with a good ratio of meat to fat.
Satisfying bouncy tender bite, with robust sweet salty savoury flavour, and a hint of smoky aroma.
Love these Thai grilled pork skewers. Yum.
Pasar Malam / Night Market Bazaar
More details in profile & blog

A thick and meaty chicken thigh, coated with a honey seasoned batter, then deep-fried.
Hot and crisp on the outside, juicy and tender on the inside, with good sweet savoury flavour to the chicken meat. The fatty skin is fairly easy to remove if you wish.
I like to have this extra spicy. Almost a meal in itself, as it's rather filling.
Pasar Malam / Night Market Bazaar
More details in profile & blog

This has a beef patty, with shredded lettuce, enveloped in a thin egg omelette. Dressed with chili sauce, mayonnaise, black pepper sauce, and sandwiched between grilled and buttered burger buns.
The Singaporean version is more saucy, and lacks the robust smoky savoury eggy sweet flavours of the Malaysian version, being more tame in comparison.
Prices have also increased in recent years, from SGD $2.50, to $3, and now to $4, for a standard ramly burger.
Pasar Malam / Night Market Bazaar
More details in profile & blog

We had the best Tu Tu Kueh at Punggol Pasar Malam! The store is in the middle lane and not the one facing the Mrt station. The store was manned by a uncle who make these kuehs. We waited for at least 20mins with only 1 person ahead of us. However, no regrets for waiting because it was SO good! An abundunt portion of Gula Melaka was given and despite that, it was not immensely sweet. Before we had it, Jae was saying she'll only have 1 since she's not a fan but guess who ate more!


The one in the picture is called cookie lover, it cost me $6 for this yummy treat ❤️ After a long day of school, i went to the Punggol Pasar Malam to try this. Totally worth my $6! The ice cream flavours available are vanilla & chocolate. There is another two more type of waffle ice-cream. More like the fruity & also unique ☺️ come down to punggol pasar malam which is beside the mrt exit heading the bus interchange. Tap out & it's on the right! 🌸