Chang Cheng Mee Wah 长城美华 (Bendemeer)

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Monday: 05:30 - 23:00 Tuesday: 05:30 - 23:00 Wednesday: 05:30 - 23:00 Thursday: 05:30 - 23:00 Friday: 05:30 - 23:00 Saturday: 05:30 - 23:00 Sunday: 05:30 - 23:00
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From the Burpple community

Very salty.

Simple but quite okay. You can't go wrong cooking this.

A new-ish stall replacing Face Ban Mian. Surprising right? And it's run by Viets, idgi. I appreciate the handmade noodles, the generous and fragrant cutlet, and the runny egg, but the seasoning was incredibly basic, led by light soy sauce. Was it lost in translation?

I returned to try to game their pricing system. I wanted to pick only expensive ingredients to maximise the flat rate. But I ended up hitting $11. Kangkong is sus. It may seem super little, but it's heavy sia.

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This stall charges a standard 100g fee for all items. I didn't realise this on my first visit so I chose a random variety of ingredients - fish, shimeji mushrooms, lotus root, eggplant, instant noodle. What stunned me was despite ordering less oil, mine was swimming in oil.