my friends and i headed down to recently after seeing their tiktok! (i’ve actually been itching to try their food since the days but i never got around to it..)

- salmon bliny (salmon crepes) $17.90
- draniki (rosti with salmon) $24.90
not in picture:
- shashlyk (chicken skewers) $23.90
- tarhun (green slavic soft drink) $9.50
- carbonara pelmeni with lamb (dumplings)

my order was the salmon bliny! i loooved the taste of the salmon with the hot crepes and the sour cream at the side.. too bad there were only 2 pieces of it 😭 portion was a little small in my opinion but maybe i just don’t get bougie food

my friend got the draniki! she was kinda disappointed bc it came cold and it wasn’t really appetising by then.. i tried some of the salmon and i slurped it up tho (free food alw the best 😅)

didn’t try the others so i can’t comment on those! but personally would like to try the desserts next time (if i can make the effort to go down…..)

came back after a year!!!
this is the $11.90 ice cream & waffles set that includes a single scoop + waffles, and a drink
- blueberry yoghurt
- red velvet waffles
- wildberry mint ice shaken tea

i tried a new ice cream flavour this time! the ice cream was more yoghurt than blueberry imo, i still preferred strawberry cheesecake from my previous visit 🥹 the waffles were the same as last time, loved the half melted ice cream & crispy waffles combo!

overall a nice cozy place to catch up with friends while having dessert 🍨

- walnut maple ice cream with matcha waffles $8
- matcha latte $6
these were so worth $8! shared these with 2 other friends and it was actually decently filling.

the walnut maple ice cream was not too sweet and had bits of cake (?) or some other sweet thing inside which were a pleasant surprise.. and the walnut bits were also nice! the waffles were also VERYY soft inside and u could actually taste the matcha, it was light and a bit (but not too) bitter~

didn’t order the matcha latte but tried a sip! same as the waffles, the matcha was rlly peeking through and it def wasn’t diluted (compared to other matcha lattes out there..)

overall would come back if i pass by!

really wanted to try bagels so we popped by onalu at smu for a try! we got:
- b.e.c. (bacon egg cheese) $11
- honey lavender tea (iced) $4, +$0.50 for iced

(not in frame but he got these:
- something fishy $12
- hot choco $5)

for my first bagel try i think it was p decent! i liked the classic combination of bacon and scrambled eggs~ there was also quite a lot of bacon which surprised me! i chose cheese bagels which kind of ruined it tho… it made it taste rlly jelak 😭 think it would’ve been nicer with sesame bagels!

the honey lavender tea was a tad underwhelming (for me ah) but idk what i was expecting also… it just tastes like honey tea with a strong lavender taste lol but i imagine it would be good to drink while studying!

overall might come back when i’m in the area to try the sweet bagels next time!


- love me lychee $10.40
- nutty party $9.90
we love açai affair!!! rlly enjoyed having açai as a refresher after exploring haji lane in the hot sun. tho one con was that our açai and sorbet melted extra fast bc of the heat that day and we were sitting on an outdoors bench 😭

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- birria beef tacos x3
- baja blast fish tacos x3
- horchata
(can’t remember the prices 😭 but total was around $40)

one of the best meals i’ve had this year fr… 2nd time at huevos and it was really money well spent even tho i went out of my budget LOL.

i started off with the fish tacos and omfg they were PERFECTLY fried, every bite was crispy and crunchy. i was worried that the fish wouldn’t be very flavourful compared to the beef but i was pleasantly surprised because the fish was actually a good balance of flavours, between the idk what sauce they used and the fried fish. there were a few strands of purple cabbage which i gladly slurped up (as an anti vege eater) bc this taco was soooo good

then i went onto the birria beef tacos which was what i had been craving and omg i really was NOT disappointed. last time i stole a bite of my friend’s birria tacos and it left me craving for more since then 💔 and every bite of the tacos was truuuly soooo sinful but i don’t regret any calorie 🔥 the shredded beef was packed with so much flavour. the extra sauce? gravy? thing they provided boosted the flavours of these so much more, so BE SURE TO DIP IT IN THE SAUCE

our horchata came first actually and i was again pleasantly surprised! this was my first time having horchata but it felt like i had tasted this somewhere before?? actually not sure sia but it was a good refresher after the greasy (in a good way!) tacos.

overall am DEFINITELY revisiting huevos soon‼️ last time i had the birria beef burrito bowl (lol alliteration) and as someone who gets full quite easily i regretted getting it bc it was really a lot a lot for me. so this time i can confidently say tacos are the way to go (for me at least)! will try the loaded nachos/quesadillas maybe?

also we got a seat with not the best ventilation so we were both sweating quite a lot, esp after the walk to huevos alone 😭 but there are seats with good aircon + a 2nd storey so if you can try to go at a less crowded timing to get good aircon LOL

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- vegan chicken rice ($6, +$0.10 for takeaway box) in bottom right corner
tried this vegan chicken rice from Green Bliss Habitat recently and i have to say it was a good meal fr!
tried the rice first and i have to say it doesn’t quite taste like your typical chicken rice rice (well because it’s vegan), but in a good way. the rice retains the gingery aroma of its animal-infused (?) counterpart, and there was some sort of unique herbal taste to it.
the fake chicken was made of beancurd sheets, like the tau kee at those vegetarian beehoon stalls. i quite liked the fake chicken, but disclaimer that i’m a big enjoyer of tau kee so if you’re not into that taste wise or texturally maybe you wouldn’t like this as much. the chicken “meat” was skillfully crafted by folding over the tau kee to mimick the special patterns of meat, and the chicken “skin” was light and crispy (not sure what they use for this tho).
they gave a packet of chili sauce but i don’t like spice so i didn’t try it lol sorry chili lovers

overall it’s def worth a try especially for curious tastebuds! but i thought more of the “chicken” would’ve been given, given the price point (but i do understand that it takes skill to make vegan chicken) 😭

nth time coming here but i love fish & co’s student meal so much!

we both got the danish fish & chips with mozzarella in the fish fillet for $13.90 as part of their student meal menu. there are various mains available, at different price points starting from $10.90, with $13.90 being the most expensive on the list.

for less than $15, i think such a filling and SATISFYING meal was absolutely worth it :-)

best part is that fish & co’s student meal promo is available on weekends and PHs too!!!!!

i sound like i got sponsored lol but fr i love fish
n co’s fish n chips. pls try.

- bust my nuts M $9.50
- wow grape M $9.50
only tried wow grape because i don’t like nuts!! but omg both our bowls were really FILLED with toppings. we even spilled some of our granola and whatnot 😭 not complaining tho, it’s definitely a good thing!

they also have a lot of cookie butter which i really appreciated but it got too jelak towards the end especially after i finished all the toppings and was only left with the cookie butter and açai.. which was conflicting bc the cookie butter was very thick and jelak while the açai was light and refreshing…

overall summer açai is def one of my fav açai spots and i’ve already gotten a few bowls from them previously!! will be looking to finish my loyalty card~

we were in the area and decided to eat at smu! wanted to eat at onalu bagel haus but we came too late and they were out of bagels 💔

- cream sauce + smoked duck breast + sous vide egg + corn ($6.10)
there’s a min order of 3 toppings but blind me didn’t read the board properly and panicked when the person asked for my third.. so i went with corn… should’ve picked a meat 😭

overall pasta was rlly rlly good for the price eh i think it’s quite comparable to twyst’s for almost half the price, and more toppings!! they gave quite a lot of smoked duck which i wasn’t expecting but am thankful for, it was so tender i’m craving it now…

also tried the curry katsu from the curry store but i couldn’t tag the store oops
the katsu was sliced thinly which is what i LOVE bc thick slices makes it hard to chew and i have the taste palate of a toddler; curry was also very sufficient for the price??

also got thai milk tea from the thai food store ($2)
it’s not too sweet and quite a lot for $2!! the lady provided me with a fork to mix the condensed milk bc it will sink to the bottom over time HAHAH

overall if i get an offer from smu i will seriously consider it… for the food 😅


- mango and strawberry shaved ice ($8)
- osmanthus cake ($3.60)
the shaved ice came with 2 strawberries, some mango cubes and both mango and strawberry flavoured popping boba which was a nice addition to the otherwise boring shaved ice! the texture of the shaved ice was veeeery fine and literally melts as soon as it goes inside ur mouth (idk maybe i just haven’t eaten anything shaved ice in too long)

osmanthus cake was kinda mid.. wasn’t expecting it to have goji berries although that’s on me LOL
we struggled to finish this

overall would come back to try the other shaved ice 👊🏻

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- pork and chicken 100g (not sure price)
- beef karubi 100g ($10.90)
i added on one more plate of 100g beef karubi and it was $6
overall nice place at dine at! was a little disappointed with the seating as my friend and i sat opposite each other, next to other couples/friends and it was kind of awkward and made it hard to hear each other. but after a while i got used to it la
really liked the texture of the beef slices, it was thinner (which is what i like) and paired well with the sauces!
there were around 4 sauces available (garlic soy/bbq/spicy miso/sea salt) along with other things like chilli and seasonings.
each set came with a bowl of rice (u get to pick how big) and soup which i absolutely LOVED
one thing was that the grill kept catching on fire which was scary lol (but it’s rather normal for yakiniku i guess)

overall would def come back if i’m craving yakiniku! would like to try other yakiniku places as well