- vegan chicken rice ($6, +$0.10 for takeaway box) in bottom right corner
tried this vegan chicken rice from Green Bliss Habitat recently and i have to say it was a good meal fr!
tried the rice first and i have to say it doesn’t quite taste like your typical chicken rice rice (well because it’s vegan), but in a good way. the rice retains the gingery aroma of its animal-infused (?) counterpart, and there was some sort of unique herbal taste to it.
the fake chicken was made of beancurd sheets, like the tau kee at those vegetarian beehoon stalls. i quite liked the fake chicken, but disclaimer that i’m a big enjoyer of tau kee so if you’re not into that taste wise or texturally maybe you wouldn’t like this as much. the chicken “meat” was skillfully crafted by folding over the tau kee to mimick the special patterns of meat, and the chicken “skin” was light and crispy (not sure what they use for this tho).
they gave a packet of chili sauce but i don’t like spice so i didn’t try it lol sorry chili lovers

overall it’s def worth a try especially for curious tastebuds! but i thought more of the “chicken” would’ve been given, given the price point (but i do understand that it takes skill to make vegan chicken) 😭