Burpple Tastemaker Meet Up

Burpple Tastemaker Meet Up

Hanging out with the #foreverhungry community
timtam_tum ✨
timtam_tum ✨

Enjoy Eating House also works as a drinking spot with asian fusion bites, the booze here will not break the bank and can be coupled with things like kerepok, spring rolls, satay.
Today we tasted the Har Jeong Sotong which had a strong and thick prawn paste batter encapsulating the baby squids. Easily polished with an assortment of bottled craft beers here period.

Thank you Burpple for the invite and Enjoy Eating House for the good food!


know inveterate Chinese who are very serious about their dedication to Chinese food on daily basis (i.e. my dad who needs a bowl of noodles/soup/rice daily by default); yet interestingly my diet excludes much Chinese food - yes I love bread as a daily staple instead.

But a meal at Enjoy Eating House does remind me of the joys of Asian - Chinese cuisine. A highlight of the meal was the deep fried barramundi coated in a rich umami red curry sauce, officially registered as sinfully delicious. For something lighter but as good the salt baked whole barramundi would also do the job- soft and tender white meat that’s nicely salted; just be careful to dust off the sea salt and avoid the crispy but scaled and highly salted fish skin.

The only less spectacular dish we had for this tasting was the 红枣鸡. It wasn’t bad but slight too salty for everyone across the table, better paired with plain rice we reckon.

Thank you Burpple for the spreading the love and Enjoy Eating House for hosting!

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know inveterate Chinese who are very serious about their dedication to Chinese food on daily basis (i.e. my dad who needs a bowl of noodles/soup/rice daily by default); yet interestingly my diet excludes much Chinese food - yes I love bread as a daily staple instead.

But a meal at Enjoy Eating House does remind me of the joys of Asian - Chinese cuisine. A highlight of the meal was the deep fried barramundi coated in a rich umami red curry sauce, officially registered as sinfully delicious. For something lighter but as good the salt baked whole barramundi would also do the job- soft and tender white meat that’s nicely salted; just be careful to dust off the sea salt and avoid the crispy but scaled and highly salted fish skin.

The only less spectacular dish we had for this tasting was the 红枣鸡. It wasn’t bad but slight too salty for everyone across the table, better paired with plain rice we reckon.

Thank you Burpple for the spreading the love and Enjoy Eating House for hosting!

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know inveterate Chinese who are very serious about their dedication to Chinese food on daily basis (i.e. my dad who needs a bowl of noodles/soup/rice daily by default); yet interestingly my diet excludes much Chinese food - yes I love bread as a daily staple instead.

But a meal at Enjoy Eating House does remind me of the joys of Asian - Chinese cuisine. A highlight of the meal was the deep fried barramundi coated in a rich umami red curry sauce, officially registered as sinfully delicious. For something lighter but as good the salt baked whole barramundi would also do the job- soft and tender white meat that’s nicely salted; just be careful to dust off the sea salt and avoid the crispy but scaled and highly salted fish skin.

The only less spectacular dish we had for this tasting was the 红枣鸡. It wasn’t bad but slight too salty for everyone across the table, better paired with plain rice we reckon.

Thank you Burpple for the spreading the love and Enjoy Eating House for hosting!

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I know inveterate Chinese who are very serious about their dedication to Chinese food on daily basis (i.e. my dad who needs a bowl of noodles/soup/rice daily by default); yet interestingly my diet excludes much Chinese food - yes I love bread as a daily staple instead.
But a meal at Enjoy Eating House does remind me of the joys of Asian - Chinese cuisine. Take for example this hor fun that the chef takes extra effort to first pan-fry the kway teow before doling the starched gravy filled with a plethora of ingredients. A premium rendition of this comforting rainy weather staple. Also the truly “simple and unassuming” but tasty 白菜 in fish sauce.

Thank you Burpple for the spreading the love and Enjoy Eating House for hosting!

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I know inveterate Chinese who are very serious about their dedication to Chinese food on daily basis (i.e. my dad who needs a bowl of noodles/soup/rice daily by default); yet interestingly my diet excludes much Chinese food - yes I love bread as a daily staple instead.
But a meal at Enjoy Eating House does remind me of the joys of Asian - Chinese cuisine. Take for example this hor fun that the chef takes extra effort to first pan-fry the kway teow before doling the starched gravy filled with a plethora of ingredients. A premium rendition of this comforting rainy weather staple. Also the truly “simple and unassuming” but tasty 白菜 in fish sauce.

Thank you Burpple for the spreading the love and Enjoy Eating House for hosting!

I remember the first time trying wasabi mayo when I was younger, and it’s was a “I wish I knew this existed earlier”’moment; nothing like 2 ingredient complementing each other flawlessly. I then also recalled that the first time I had it was with deep fried prawns and when I had tunglok’s version it felt and tasted good. The deep frying of the thinly batter prawns did not dull the fact that the prawns were fresh and springy - of “good quality”. The wasabi mayo it was drenched in was not as potent and maybe suitable for older children, and the fried crustacean were interestingly garnished with cucumber and grapefruit.

Overall, I took away from this invited tasting that TungLok does good Chinese seafood and shouldn’t be overlooked as a good option to treat the family to a nice sit down Chinese meal. Thank you Burpple for the invite and TungLok for hosting!

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I never took notice of the type of crabs I had, as an amateur all I knew of was Alaskan and Sri Lankan crabs, named after the country they are imported from; this is the first time I remember having Dungeness crab which is a type and not named after it’s place of origin.
If I’d offer my smattering, this crab was less meaty compared to the live chilli crab we had, but it’s meat was still adequately supple. The white pepper sauce also had a nice kick and pair well with leek, peppercorn, plus the crab meat you’d mop it in.

Thank you Burpple & TungLok for this invited tasting to try the establishment’s premium seafood repertoire!

This was the only less stellar dish we had even though the seafood was good. Why? While the broth had tasted of a good dose of braising effort, sadly the vermicelli was bland and did not soak up all that goodness. I thought maybe mee sua would have been a better carb choice as it might have cooked more easily?

Overall, I still took away from this invited tasting that TungLok does good Chinese seafood and shouldn’t be overlooked as a good option to treat the family to a nice sit down Chinese meal. Thank you burpple for the invite and TungLok for hosting!

You would find numerous establishments around the nation doing their rendition of this iconic national dish and Tunglok’s version isn’t one to miss. I particularly loved the absence of peanuts in this sauce and it’s pleasantly sweet and spicy profile. The crab we had that day was also fresh, plump and supple; everything I would ask when partaking Singaporean chilli crabs.

Thank you burpple for the invite and TungLok seafood for the eat up treat✨

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If you thought you could only find sashimi at your usual Japanese restaurants - think again. Here at TungLok seafood, different cuts (including the prized salmon belly) are served. This worked as a great appetiser and does justice to the restaurant’s specialisation in seafood.

Overall, I took away from this invited tasting that TungLok does good Chinese seafood and has earned its place as a good option to treat the family to a nice sit down Chinese meal. Thank you burpple for the invite and TungLok for hosting!

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Another thing I indulgently love are desserts, and while the stomach capacity was at its brim with spread we were treated to, everyone was all ready to have the stuffed donuts they’ve heard about. Both variants with fillings that are made in-house, the yellow green hued Kaya had the table nodding in satisfaction. I’ve also had enough Kaya spread to agree that Nassim Hill’s version was authentic and not your saccharine sort, an excellent component for their desserts. It was then a no brainer that we had their kaya cake as the last dessert to end off the meal.

I sheepishly had the privilege to sample some of the ladies cocktails at Nassim Hill even though the sun had not set. Then I learnt from Brenda that Prosecco is free flow for ladies on Wednesday & Thursday evenings with a minimum spent- sounding like a great GNO idea.

Eat to live, live to eat. Alternating between the 2 all day err day?

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