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From the Burpple community

Crispy skin surface, succulent and juicy flesh encapsulated within. Also try the salt baked sardines, fried rice and of course, drowned and downed with sangria. Perfect!

So we waited for 1.5hrs by the super windy beach for this Portuguese/Macanese restaurant to open and now we are thoroughly enjoying their Grilled Codfish which is chunky and superbly fresh! #gninethreetravels


Crackling crispy roast pork, take a break from the casinos and head to Hak Sa for this treat and other delights here. Warning. Lunch crowd is terrible

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Good friends.
Good night.

Then we had roast veal, squid and suckling pig. All of them were so worth it after that bumpy bus ride!

Everyone should try this! I normally don't like beer, but this is good. Heard it's available in Mustafa (Singapore) too.