Despite the minor increase in pricing, their noodles were still as great as ever. Plus, its so much better and cheaper than NTU side.
Big bowl of springy noodles with the perfect amount of vinegar sauce mixture to give a savoury tangy taste. It was also topped off with braised mushroom and a load of meaty minced meat. The large bowl also include that fried wanton and fishcake. The perfect meal and pricing.
🚩Minced Meat Noodle Stall, NIE Canteen, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
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One of my comfort food when I don't know what to eat.😂 Silky mee sua, tender fresh sliced fish with a light marination, and lots of greens all in a bowl of rich & savoury broth. Added milk to give some sweetness.
Apart from the increasing price over the years, this still taste as good as it used to be.
🚩Xing Long Fish Soup, Koufu, North Spine Food Court, 76 Nanyang Drive, N2.1, 02-03, Nanyang Technological University, 637331
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Steaming hot rice drowned in piping hot savoury gravy packed with flavour. Although the gravy was slightly between starchy and watery, but it was quite comforting.
Yummy tender prawns, silky fish, alongside with fishcake and bok choy, adds extra bites to the dish.
Great when you want something that is not spicy.
🚩Zi Char Stall, North Spine Koufu, 76 Nanyang Drive, N2.1, 02-03, Nanyang Technological University, 637331
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Checking out the new bubble tea shop in NTU, "Yilin Likes Tea".🧋
Osmanthus Oolong Tea Latte($4.80)
The sweetness level was just right for me and the tea had a refreshing and cooling taste. It was made with Meiji fresh milk. The tea latte also had a lovely osmanthus floral note to it. They even topped it off with whipped cream and pistachio bits which gave it a nice nutty crunch. 🌸🍶 Overall, it was a pretty good drink.
Chocolate Fresh Milk Ice Cream($4.80)
It came in a cup with a single scoop of ice cream. I think some people might have expected it to be an ice cream and milk tea combination, but it was just a cup of ice cream. The menu could have been clearer to avoid confusion. As for the ice cream, it was cold enough to send a blizzard to my mouth, but it was creamy, smooth, and had a fresh milky taste. However, I think the price could be a little cheaper.
🚩Yilin Likes Tea, 76 Nanyang Dr, Singapore 637331
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Yummylicious mild spicy, mild numbing and savoury bowl of tender sliced fish comes with nanbai cabbage and bean sprout. Heartwarming masterpiece.
🚩Joy Kitchen, Quad Cafe, 60 Nanyang Drive, The Quad CafeSchool of Biological Sciences, Level B1, 637551
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Toast with light spread of kaya and no butter in it, 2 creamy soft-boiled eggs and a cup of watery Teh-C. Mehhh...
🚩NIE Drinks Stall, NIE Canteen, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
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Rainy days comfort food. Slightly spicy Ramyeon with kimchi, bulgogi chicken and egg. The MSG savoury noods that carry a hint of sweetness and sourness definitely bring warmth during cold days. Ah...😌
🚩Japanese/Korea stall, Fine Food @ South Spine, 50 Nanyang Avenue South SS3, B4, 639798
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Makcik style mee goreng with half a boiled egg and fiery sambal. Savoury and chewy noods. A little spice for breakfast, don't hurt right?🤭
🚩June's Breathe Cafe, Experimental Medicine Building (EMB) 59 Nanyang Dr, level 3
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Nasi Goreng with vege, tofu and fried fish, then drizzled with curry sauce. Simple, affordable and filling.
🚩NIE Nasi Padang Stall, NIE Canteen, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
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Sometimes, there are days we want to save up so we ate value meal. Here, we have a simple plate of Fried Rice with Spicy Chicken Cutlet & Egg which cost me $4.
Fried rice was basic among basic. Its literally rice mixed with soy sauce, added with mixed pea, carrot and corn. At least, it was served warm.
Spicy chicken cutlet on the other hand was wonderful. Not sure which packaging they brought it from but the meat was tender and coated nicely with a thick layer of batter infused with heavy spice.
🚩Sometimes Western stall, Fine Food @ South Spine, 50 Nanyang Avenue South SS3, B4, 639798
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Dough Fritter($1)😋 for breakfast.
Hot, crispy and chewy. Not too oily also. The perfect fritter of course need to pair with a cup of hot Soya Bean($1.20). Soya bean was slightly sweet and warm the stomach.
🚩Dim Sum stall, Fine Food @ South Spine, 50 Nanyang Avenue South SS3, B4, 639798
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Fluffy egg with a crisp outer topped with crispy breaded tender chicken cutlet served on a hotplate, then drizzled with a dash of sweet teri-soy sauce. Comes with a bowl of pearl rice and self-service bowl of miso soup.
Rice is too plain so had to throw it into miso soup to create a umami bowl of ochazuke.😉
🚩Japanese/Korea stall, Fine Food @ South Spine, 50 Nanyang Avenue South SS3, B4, 639798
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