(Part 1 of 4)
To start, the huge prawns atop the pasta were plump, moist, fresh and had no rubbery texture. Dig beneath it and you'll find an ordinary looking pasta, reminiscent of Aglio Olio. In other words, the jackpot. In a world which advocates substance over looks, this pasta must be the epitome of such an ideal. As before, the sauce and spices added into the mix clung on to the noodles really well. Loaded with the taste of Laksa leaves, the pasta gave an explosion of flavours. The closest description to it would perhaps be to boil the best bowl of traditional Laksa you can find down to a nice thick reduction before tossing the pasta in it. Closing my eyes for the next bite, it was honestly difficult to taste the difference between it and the more traditional varieties.

Thanks to Burpple once again for the Eat-up! :)

Full review at: https://liveeatbless.wordpress.com/2020/02/12/restaurant-review-le-coq-church-street-telok-ayer/

More pictures at: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8d1ILAHMzL/?igshid=1q44cpgcl0jf9