This stall has always formed a long queue be it rain or sunny, day or night. It’s a newly open stall at Hoa Nam Building coffeeshop. I was curious to try what’s the hype is all about.

First I came at 12.30pm, and saw the queue is lesser than typical day, so I decided to give it a shot. Queue for about 20mins and wait for the food for another 30mins. Considered very fast compared to normal days.

Ordered their best seller: Yung Kor Hor (fried hor fan with gravy and egg yolk in center). Never tried this kind of dish before, it came with a raw egg in the middle of cooked hor fan.

The taste was under my expectation, as it wasn’t very special that worth the long waited. It just not your ‘typical’ hor fan. The dark soy sauce taste overpowering everything, and could tell it’s not even a finest grade of soy sauce. Aftertaste is a bit ‘jelak’. The dish is complimented with a good amount of fried pork lard - ladies, beware your diet.

For me, quite sensitive of lard and easily put on weight whenever I consumed pork lard. Overall I would give 7.5/10. I felt guilty after eating this food as too many starch and pork lard went into my tummy.

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