There are only a handful of places that will make me revisit them time and time again - Tarte By Cheryl Koh is one of them. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that there was one tart that totally blew my mind away and stole the show. Today, I shall reveal it and it's none other than the Cherry Tart ($9). Before that, I was not really a cherry person and would avoid all forms of cherry-related products as most felt artificial (those used in iced jelly) or tastes like medicine (cherry drinks). It was a bittersweet moment as when we were queuing up, the customer in front of us bought the prettiest looking tart over the countertop and it happened to be the last piece. Never one to give up easily, we enquired with the friendly staff and they told us that we might have to wait for a bit because they are in the midst of preparing another flavours. We waited patiently for it and was rewarded with a fresh batch of Cherry Tart, which has Spanish cherries on a light vanilla cream. To me, it was an unexpected order and the Cherry Tart won with a landslide victory.

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