The news came shocked to many people when they suddenly announced their closure in October if there’s no successor taking over the business.

Uggli Muffins is not stranger to many people as they has been selling their pastries for many years, which has gained their recognition for the muffins.

Very unique kind of muffins in naturally irregular shape, which they all are handmade and baked freshly batches by batches. The muffins are all browned in dark shade, caramelised and crusty.

The long queue has always been there and of course now would be the same, but the owner is really nice as they will frequently share the some sample to the people who are queueing. These samples are usually just freshly baked from the oven, so try it while it is still warm.

Since you have been queuing for so long, why not just grab boxes of it back? Each box would come with 10 pieces plus 2 complimentary. Get the mixed flavours and the owner would randomly select for you with flavours they have for the day.

Perfect for gift or just enjoy it at home. I really enjoy the texture and its fragrance flavours. Do grab and try it while they still open.

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