They have a menu dedicated to it's skewers & dishes using the same spicy seasoning that's Addictive as Marijuana. ๐ต
ACAMASTIPS & GTK๐ฎ: One feels transported to China whenever you dine in this fine establishment that run by Mainly Mainland Chinese (see what I did there hahaha) ๐๏ธ
Realising that you may be the only Local there might seem intimidating but once you flip open their menu... that's it... prepare for a LOL session that is the curse & beauty of direct translation. ๐๐ป
We tried a variety of skewers from their huge range and while they were all great, I've just got to do a special mention to this one with bacon wrapped enoki! This fail proof BBQ combi is made even better with that addictive and lightly spiced seasoning used on all their skewers here, along with the nice smoky crisp on every bacon roll. Just in case you can't find it in their thick menu books, this dish number is 2017. #BurppleSGLateNight