- penne pomodoro w beef pepperoni, sous vide egg
- spaghetti alfredo w smoked duck, sous vide egg
both were $10.90 and i have to say it was so FRKING good i loved the alfredo spaghetti, the sauce was soooo smooth and went very well with the tender smoked duck pieces. can’t say much about the pomodoro bc i’m a white sauce kinda person but would come back again!!

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- cereal milk gelato with half charcoal waffles ($10)
ok i haven’t had many waffles with ice cream admittedly but i absolutely LOVED these. the gelato was soooo sweet (in a good way, maybe bc i’m a sweet tooth) and was basically a concentrate version of leftover cereal milk. A++ for texture too bc it was siiilky smooth and didn’t melt super fast.
charcoal waffles didn’t taste like charcoal (probably a good thing idk), and retained its airy, crispy personality even when the gelato started melting and seeped into the waffles. wafer on top was q good but not the main focus lol
would come back when i pass by kap or sumn πŸ’―

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not very sure of the prices, rough estimate!
- fish ahoy ($12.90)
fish fillet came with PERFECTLY fried curly fries. it was so tender, when i cut it with the knife it kinda fell apart so i had to resort to the fork
- hawaiian pizza ($10.90)
flavour was a little off compared to the hawaiian pizzas i’ve tasted but i love the crunchy thin crust
service staff were all so nice and friendly aaaa
definitely am coming back!!

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