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From the Burpple community

AKA 花蓮縣吉安鄉自強路與和平路交叉口)
Had to buy into the hype since it was the most popular search item when you key in "what to eat at hua lien". Definitely many levels up from whatever I can find back home and for a serious fraction of the price. Although, I have to burst some bubbles and say that I wasn't exactly wowed by it either. The bread was great, golden and perfectly crisp. But, perhaps it was the filling that we chose (granted it's supposed to be crowd favourite flavour), there was something different about the gong bao flavour that didn't quite gel.
All in all, it's yummy for the first few bites then after some psychoanalysis, regrettably meh....I'll take avocado on toast any day
#plainlyintaiwan #burpple #coffintoast #hualien #nightmarket #streetfood