No. 6, Ground Floor, Jalan SS 4D/14
Petaling Jaya 47301
11:00am - 11:00pm
Enjoy dining without burning a hole in your pocket, no membership required
Elderflower Lime Cheesecake With Earl Grey and Long Black.
Today’s good mood is sponsored by good coffee.
P/S: We always serves double shot espresso to our coffee
#otherwisecafe #awesomedeneh #cafe #cafemy #baristadaily #kelanajaya #coffee #cake #pastries #tea #lemonsoda #beers #matcha #latteart #cafehopmy #espresso #cappuccino #latte #toast #hainanese #food #snack #toastlover #coffeelover #cafehopping
No need talk more, just eat Burnt Cheesecake.
#otherwisecafe #cafe #cafemy #baristadaily #kelanajaya #coffee #cake #pastries #tea #lemonsoda #beers #matcha #awesomedeneh #otherwisecoffee #latteart #cafehopmy #espresso #cappuccino #latte #toast #hainanese #food #snack #toastlover #coffeelover #cafehopping #burntcheesecake #cheesecake
Life's too short to say no to cake. Come come here, this’s our new cake Grandma’s Banana Apple Crumble 🍎
#otherwisecafe #cafe #cafemy #baristadaily #kelanajaya #coffee #cake #pastries #tea #lemonsoda #beers #matcha #awesomedeneh #otherwisecoffee #latteart #cafehopmy #espresso #cappuccino #latte #latteart #toast #hainanese #food #snack #toastlover #coffeelover #applecrumble
They have best coffee in town cause barista has a great vibe to me. Single Origin Guatemala beans!