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From the Burpple community

Surprise dish for his brunch earlier. Sadly the eggs were over cooked ๐Ÿ˜” Wanna master the runny yolk next time! Waitup for it ;) @reptiliaphobia

Taiwanese beef noodles for dinner tonight! Prepared by @reptiliaphobia dad :) Yummy! ๐Ÿ˜

Ginseng Chicken Soup for dinner! Soo gooood ๐Ÿ‘ #ginsengchickensoup #veggie #squid #dinner #yummy #food #foodie #foodpics #foodstagram #foodforfoodies #foodonfoot

Brunch for two ๐Ÿท

Two-way #sourdoughtoast of #guacamole & #poachedegg with #grilledham&cheese for #brunch today! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ #foodie #foodpics #foodonfoot #foodstagram #yolkporn #igfood

A huge pot of Kimchi Soup for dinner tonight! Cooked by boyf's mummy :D much needed to make up for the pathetic lunch ๐Ÿ˜Œ Yummzz! #dinner #kimchihotpot #fish #mushrooms #tofu #tomatoes #roastpork #sour #spicy #appetizing #sosatisfying #neededtomakeupforlunch #yummy #lucky #homecooked #anytimebetterthanoutsidefood #cantcompare #homecookftw