Unassuming plate of white bee hoon, that is easily the best beehoon dish I have tasted - extremely flavourful gravy, which the beehoon has soaked up all of its goodness. The other zichar dishes are pleasantly delicious too. A great place for family dinners / takeaways at an affordable price tag! #burpplecheapNgood
This is da bomb!! "Gong bao" fried chicken loaded with dried chillies and mala seeds. The egg-yolk looking things are actually delicious MANGO PURÉE (!!) that can be dipped in to nicely cut the spiciness from the meat 👌🏻 looking fw to return again to try the other dishes too! #amexplatinum #amexpalatedining @lokkeesg
Level 3 Burppler · 12 Reviews
24 | auditor There is no sincerer love than the love of food. – George Bernard Shaw