And perhaps the owners laptop and smartphone (maybe). As well as the menu- I'm having Maggi mee cooked super homey style and toast bread with jam.
Lookout for the a cute kitty named momo who is super friendly and adorable.
#melakacafe #unescoheritage #malaysiancafes #herritage #jonkerstreet #burpple #caffeine #fromwhereistand #igtoday #igmelaka #igersdaily #foodeverywherexmelaka #sycookiestravelogue #cafehopmlk #travelasia #travelgram #malaccacity #melakacafe #sycookiesxmelaka #mapxmalaysia
#melakacafe #unescoheritage #malaysiancafes #herritage #jonkerstreet #burpple #caffeine #fromwhereistand #shootoniphone #igmelaka #igersdaily #foodeverywherexmelaka #sycookiestravelogue #cafehopmlk #malaccacity #13statescoffee #sycookiesxmelaka #sycookiesxmlk
I'm in 🙋. #cafehopmy #johorcafe #mycafefood #johor #burpple #cafevibes #fromwhereistand #igjb #igjohor #igersdaily #foodeverywherexjohor #cake #yum #sonyforher #sony7ii #sycookiestravelogue #cafehopjb #jb #jbcafe #cafevibes #bevc #sycookiesxjohor
Hmm. .. OK that doesn't make sense at all. But hey, staying healthy really don't mean giving up your favourite food. Just make sure everything is in moderation. :) Have a great weekend !! #cafehopmy #johorcafe #coffeeshopcorners #malaysiancafes #herritage #johor #burpple #cafevibes #fromwhereistand #igjb #igjohor #igersdaily #foodeverywherexjohor #sonyforher #sycookiestravelogue #cafehopjb #jb #jbcafe #cafevibes #flowerinthewindow #sycookiesxjohor
Well in this case, the entrance to the private bar. Can anyone make a wild guess ?
#coffeeshopcorners #foodeverywherexjohor #sycookiestravelogue #cafehopmy #cafejb #burpple #jbcafe #interiordesign #id #minimalism #cafe #cafecorner #beautifulmalaysia #igtravel #traveljohor #johortourism #travelgram #spottly #malaysiancafes #cafevibes #worldofbuzz #yahoo #igersmy #fromwhereistand #cafehopping #burpplesg
#coffeeshopcorners #foodeverywherexjohor #sycookiestravelogue #cafehopmy #cafejb #burpple #jbcafe #interiordesign #id #minimalism #cafe #cafecorner #beautifulmalaysia #igtravel #traveljohor #johortourism #travelgram #spottly #malaysiancafes #cafevibes #worldofbuzz #yahoo #igersmy #fromwhereistand #cafehopping #burpplesg
#foodeverywhere #bangsarcafe #chasinglight #flatlays #brunch #foodiesmalaysia #zomato #spottly #coffeesesh #malaysiancafes #mycafefood #cafehopmy #igmalaya #eatnowkl #foodspotting #zomatomy #vcrbangsar #klfoodiesnom #burpplekl #burpple #alldaybreakfast #foodstagram #viewfromthetop
There is your bouncy jelly, with fresh cuts of mango cubes and served in a glass jar with lid, this one is perfect on the go. Fancy level 9/10 @dairytooth.malaysia
#dairytoothmy #foodwork #zomatomy #foodeverywhere #berjayatimessquare #burpplekl #burpple #klfoodiesnom #dessert #hkstreetfood #milktea #dessertinajar #malaysiancafes #sweettooth #ifoodbuzz #igfoodie
On a side note, that's the best coffee place in Genting- Cafe's Richard at Sky Avenue.
#cafehopkl #cafehopmy #burpple #burpplekl #hautecuisines #stilllifeimage #spottly #foodforfoodies #coffeetime #zomatomy #zomato #saveurmag #cups #coffeesesh #coffee #caffeinefix #caffeine #gentinghighland #genting #foodeverywherexgenting #foodeverywhere
#coffeeshopvibes #cafevibes #corner #cafecorner #id #interiordesign #homeandliving #decor #cafehopmy #cafehopkl #malaysiancafes #cmcr #ttdi #commonmancoffeeroasters #burpplekl #burpple
I've posted some on my blog at
#culturetripfood #tatsetap #buzzfeed #buzzfeedfood
#vscocam #vscofood #foodphoto #foodvsco #foodblogger #onthetable #flatlays #foodieflatlays #burpplekl #whatieat #fotd #igmalaya #foodphotography #food #beautifulcuisine #foodphoto #foodforfoodies #foodshoot #halalmy #burpple #potd #yum #foodie #foodiecommunity #foodiesmalaysia #klfoodiesnom
Level 4 Burppler · 32 Reviews
In between binges and healthy lifestyle.