In selection of Thai food, absolute thai was a famous franchisee in Malaysia. Where Busaba was a higher end thai food under them. They served a really good thai food, what I have ordered : coconut tomyam, crispy fish, river sizzling prawn & petai prawn. I had my birthday celebration dinner at here. My family were very happy with the food. The ambiance was cozy and trendy; also, a very good food services. Always wanted a real good thai food in KL before i fixed my craving for coming Bangkok trip, now I did. š
Big breakfast that served with beef bacon, sausage, poach egg, hush brown, baked beans, mushroom and sweet potatoes, which cost (RM30), consider pricy compare to others. The food is okay but still prefer antipodean, sort of overrated. š¤
Small portion of meal served, great place to chill out with friends and family. Better go early during weekend .
The avocado drink is good. While the big breakfast consider 'okay', not too bad Nor not too good. š¤
Level 3 Burppler · 14 Reviews