Another delicious dish from Xi Men Ding at Vivocity. Love the combination. However, the Taiwanese love the original smell and taste of intestine and their čč±č (smelly beancurd). So this is not for those who are sensitive to smell.
#ximending #vivocity #food #foodporn #frenchbean #intestine #burrple #taiwanesefood #chinesefood
This gravy styled pork liver from Xi Men Ding at Vivo City was super yummy. Love the texture and softness in each bite.
#ximending #food #foodporn #chinesefood #taiwanesefood #vivocity #porkliver #yummilicious #burrple
Reasonable priced oyster mee sau @ a small Taiwanese eatery, known as 5 Little Bear. Managed to satisfy my mee sau craving of the day ^_^
Level 5 Burppler · 64 Reviews