The instant noodles in the big bowls brought by @dashtaz from Japan for the instant noodles party was the best in ramen texture and soup base.
Doing silly things. Instant noodles party. Everyone BYO instant noodles. This is our stash we bought overseas. Lol.
Playing with Parmesan. There are those who don't like sweet stuff. Lol
Playing with chocolates.
You prefer old school Tau Hway or those Pudding type? Thanks to colleague for buying this for us.
Our class break at Alliance Française de Singapour tonight. Are we crazy? Yeah... And we have gâteau de luna.
Messy messy. The lady who serves really loves slish sloshing, making a mess. OCD needs to be tuned off when u buy food from her. Lol
Drinking my grandpa's fav drink! But mine is the 'peng' version. Horlick Peng!
Modern day Tingkat food. Tingkat in form of paper containers and plastic.
Simple old school flavor cakes. The "before macarons were popular" era cakes. Macarons or cakes like this for you?