The Usual. Truffle Fries. And... Adding on two poached eggs and smoked salmon! 😻 the scrambled eggs are really bad. Dry and hard. Worse than Macs. 😞 but awesome company! 😸😸 meowssss! There goes Sunday... #brunch #trufflefries #sunday
😍😍 3/4 super juicy navel orange + 1/2 super crunchy sweet jazz apple + 3 awesomely sweet cherries! Lets start the day right! Ooh, there is this childhood grape paste biscuits too, just in case! 😁😁 Happy Tuesday! ☺️ #snack #breakfast
😣😣 lol. Nth flow out! Siannnn. And the corn beef tested like canned dog food! Weeee~ #brunch #eggbenedict #eggs #hatched #foreverfat
Bruch after class at Arbite. *Its Sunday already* #brunch
Rochor Beancurd at Upper Thomson. #Supper