知名#早餐店 鋼管紅茶 #花蓮 #台灣 #古早味 #老店 #hualien #taiwan #breakfast #local
It's so yummy I'm gonna die! #dinner #pork #fattypork #taipei #tpe #tw #taiwan #bbq #台灣 #烤肉飯
Chendol nom nom #penang #malaysia #asia #street #food #local
I have a sudden crave for this 幹撈麵. After trying to describe to my mom for 3 days, I finally found it! #local #penang #malaysia #asia #noodle #delicious #nom
So typical of Penang food. Not photogenic but super delicious poh piah! #penang #food #local #malaysia #delicious #asia
From this stall cometh the best Neslo ice #malay #stall #neslo #drinks #milo #nescafe #local #kampung #penang #malaysia #street
Amazing lunch. It's been a continual eating success so far #local #food #lunch #sambal #fish #ikan #grilled #makan #bakar #indonesia #indon #id #indo #java #eastjava #javatimur #batu #warung
I want this, right now. #黑糖拿鐵 #brownsugar #latte #cafe #milk #tpe #taipei #taiwan #asia #remuscoffee #remuscafe #remus
#oldschool #kitchen #tapih #coffee #filter
Waste no time. Dai Dai Roll it is! #sgfood #food #japfood
Level 5 Burppler · 82 Reviews