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From the Burpple community

With @yendreyfus, posing for a photo with Atching Lillian. She's very adorable! #DiscoverE @ElectroluxPH

Tsokolate de Batirol. This is really good chocolate! Really good! #DiscoverE @ElectroluxPH

Atching Lillian, posing for a few photos inside her traditional kitchen. #DiscoverE @ElectroluxPH

With Atching Lillian, the awesome woman behind all the wonderful food we had this morning. :) #DiscoverE @ElectroluxPH

Maja Blanca. Not too sweet. Just right! :) #DiscoverE @ElectroluxPH

Pampanga's version of "Morcon". Yummy! #DiscoverE @ElectroluxPH