New Spicy Delights On Beyond "新“鲜热辣

在每一天都这么热的新加坡到底吃些什么好呢?中餐正在疯狂崛起的新加坡,当然不止麻辣,还有酸辣,香辣,变态辣!在Beyond我们现在有了更多“热辣”的选择,什么是你最喜欢的辣辣食物呢,让我们跟着Burpple Beyond一起,吃的辣,省的多。

With Singapore's summer season all year-round, what should one eat? As Chinese cuisine rapidly rises in popularity here, it's not just about the fiery mala anymore; there's also tangy spice, fragrant spice, and even insanely hot spice! With Burpple Beyond, we have many options catered to our spice lover. So, what's your favourite spicy dish? Let's join Burpple Beyond and indulge in the heat while saving more!

Shu Yan (Chinatown Point) 1-for-1 Main Dish(~save up to $30)


Photo by Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine 蜀宴川菜 | Deal valid till 30 June 2025


Before you even catch sight of the bowl, the aroma of "Boiled Fish in Spicy Sichuan Broth" will already captivate your senses. The hot oil is poured over a sprinkle of scallions and Sichuan peppercorns, making your mouth water before you've even taken a bite. The tender fish fillets are immersed in a clear, rich, and spicy broth. As you dig in with your chopsticks, you'll find crisp vegetables at the bottom, adding a refreshing crunch. Shu Yan’s Boiled Fish is undoubtedly one of the best ways to introduce yourself to the world of Sichuan cuisine!

Pin Xiang (Grantral Mall/ i12 Katong) 1-for-1 Main Dish(~save up to $15)


Photo by Pin Xiang Hunan Cuisine 品湘湖南菜 (Grantral mall) | Deal valid till 31 July 2025

地道湘菜 尽在品湘 猛吃不胖 天天向上。小炒肉,常使用湖南辣椒和精选猪肉,这道菜为湖南人民最爱家常下饭菜之一,几乎是餐桌上的常驻客。少许蒜片爆香增味,辣椒煸炒后的椒香配合三层猪肉切薄片爆炒焦香,瘦肉的软嫩适口,带荤油香又有口感,这一盘菜通常能配着吃几碗米饭。辣椒卡路里低、配上肉类蛋白质,你最佳的餐配选择。

Stir-fried Pork with Green Peppers is a beloved Hunan dish that pairs perfectly with rice. The dish features green peppers and thinly sliced pork, with a hint of garlic added for extra flavour. The aroma of the stir-fried peppers blends beautifully with the pork, where the lean meat is savoury and the fatty layers melt in your mouth, offering a rich, meaty taste with a delightful texture. This dish is often so flavorful that it can easily pair with two bowls of rice. With the low-calorie green peppers paired with protein-rich pork, it’s a fantastic choice for a satisfying meal.

Chengdu Ziwei Grilled Fish(Mosque Street)1-for-1 Grilled Fish (~save up to $40)


Photo by Chengdu Ziwei Grilled Fish 成都滋味烤鱼 | Deal valid till 30 Sept 2025


The flavourful grilled fish at Zhiwei is a delight, with the fish cooked to perfection in a grilling machine. The result is tender, juicy flesh and crispy skin, allowing you to fully savour the essence of seafood: the freshness of the fish itself. The best way to enjoy it is by picking out the fish meat along with the crisp cucumber pieces, and don’t forget the side dishes soaked in the rich broth—I personally love the enoki mushrooms. Pour some of the aromatic, spicy grilled fish sauce over your rice, and with each bite, you'll be instantly transported back to Chengdu.

Wei Geng Shu Wei(Bugis Junction) 1-for-1 Main Dish(~save up to $30)


Photo by WeiGeng Sichuan Cuisine 味耕蜀味 | Deal valid till 31 July 2025


Every Singaporean knows the classic Sichuan dish, Spicy Chicken, and at Wei Geng Shu Wei, it’s taken on a new twist. The chicken pieces are coated with golden, crispy sesame seeds that cling tightly to the meat. Stir-fried over high heat, the dried chili peppers infuse the dish with a fiery kick, perfectly wrapping the tender chicken in layers of heat and flavor. Each bite delivers a mouth-numbing, spicy sensation that pairs perfectly with a fizzy drink—leaving you wanting just one more bite.

GuoJiang(Mosque Street) 1-for-1 Mains(~save up to $32.8)


Photo by Guo Jiang 锅匠 | Deal valid till 30 Sept 2025


Calling all bullfrog lovers! Feast your eyes on Guojiang's signature Spicy Bullfrog Pot, brimming with tender frog meat and a generous amount of chili peppers that will instantly whet your appetite. In this meticulous restaurant, even the Sichuan peppercorns come in more than one variety, and the chilies? There are more than just two. Dried chilies, pickled chilies, and facing heaven peppers are all tossed in together, creating a harmonious blend of flavors that scream "deliciously spicy." No need to distinguish them—just know that together, they mean one thing: mouthwatering heat!

Lao Si Chuan Dou Hua Zhuang (TempleStreet) 1-for-1 Mains(~save up to $32)


Photo by Lao Si Chuan Dou Hua Zhuang 老四川豆花庄


Whoever thought of cooking tofu pudding with fish must be a genius. The tofu pudding, with its humble, earthy flavor, brings a subtle balance to the spicy and numbing base of the fish soup. When you're tired from picking out fish bones and your mouth is worn out from all the chewing, a bite of the soft, silky tofu soaked in the spicy broth feels like a gentle reminder to take a break before diving back into the fish.

Jiu Niu Fan (south bridge) 32% off food bill(~save up to $32)


Photo by Jiu Niu Fan 九牛番 | Deal valid till 31 Oct 2024


Jiu Niu Fan offers both barbecue and hotpot, but why focus on their grilled skewers this time? Because they’re exceptionally delicious. Beef and lamb are alternated with chunks of fat and skewered, then meticulously grilled over the fire. As they cook, they’re brushed with oil, sprinkled with seasoning, and constantly turned while being repositioned on the grill to ensure perfect doneness. This intricate process is all for that one bite of mouthwatering meat on a skewer. I recommend adding an extra dip in chili powder—because the spicier it gets, the happier you'll be!