Who cares if it's cold and rainy outside? It's always a good idea to indulge in some bingsu!

If you've tried the ones at Nunsongyee, I dare say you'll find the bingsu at O'ma Spoon even more satisfactory. The texture of the ultra-finely shaven "snow" at both Korean dessert cafes are comparable, but the flavour of O'ma Spoon's has a fuller, richer taste because it's made with 100% PURE MILK, imported from Australia, no less. This is probably also the reason why the ice here doesn't melt as quickly as at Nunsongyee.

I had the privilege of sampling this mammoth bingsu, which has a hidden horizontal layer of crushed chocolate cookie crumble packed across the middle of the mountain of milky snow, as well as patted around the sides. Adding further embellishment are slices of banana drizzled with chocolate sauce, whipped cream studded with Korea-imported brownies, chopped peanuts, almond flakes, and finally a scoop of New Zealand-imported chocolate ice cream.

Sounds like a lot? It is.
A lot of edible pleasure, that is.