Unlike its comedy opera namesake, this boy has no overinflated estimation of itself. Sure, it doesn't look particularly attractive (it looks kind of like the slop that the army called combat rations before chucking it to us), but looks are deceiving.

That brown amorphous blob you see? That, my son, is a magical mishmash of pulled beef that's been slow roasted in au jus, onions that have been caramelized into indescribable softness and sweetness, and of course, sexy, stretchy melted cheese (I can't remember what cheese it is for the life of me) lies just beneath that glorious mess. Yes, there is so much beef it just flows, yep, FLOWS, right out of the bun. The beef is utterly umami and ridiculously rich, with a notable taste of pepper in the background while being damn close to melt in your mouth tender. The bun is throughly soaked through with the au jus, thereby qualifying this sandwich as a French dip sandwich (Man vs Food viewers will know what I'm talking about).

The TL;DR version? It's a stellar sandwich that you should get down and dirty (and you will) with at the first opportunity you get.

Where is this? It says private location in the geotag
Jason Wong it's Hungry Bazterds, the shop's on the ground floor of The Arcade. Apparently I can't add the location to Burpple
Jason Wong don't mention it 👍🏽