A Pie Thing feels like the BurgerLab for pies. You will see people waiting for the shop to open before 4pm, and a long train of people starts to form once it opens. Thank god for the efficient service though.
For savoury, I had the chicken and mushroom pie, topped with mashed potato, mashed peas, and brown sauce, which they call the "Mashacre". It was a massacre because it was so much and messy. It definitely stuffed me up. Luckily I shared the pie. I love the pie crust. It wasn't very thick, nice crispness, fluffy and enough to hold the generous amount of stuffing. I love all of the "mashed' toppings too. One way to make me eat my green peas. Brown sauce was a little too salty, it works well with the whole Mashacre though because they tame the saltiness of the sauce.
For sweet, I had the dark chocolate smores pie. I wanted the sweet pie with an ice cream on top. But I mistaken the Nutella pie for smores pie. Nevertheless, it wasn't bad! A simple crumbly and crusty pie tart with dark chocolate syrup/sauce, topped with melted marshmallows. Sounds like some foodgasm doesn't it! Love it! It can get quite chocolatey after a while because the chocolate sauce is very thick. And the pie is hot! Be careful, you might get sore throat if you dive in right away. I do think the smores pie is a tad bit overrated because it's just an empty pie crust with chocolate sauce and melted marshmallow. But of course, making a great pie crust (not breaking it) is the main factor here.
Food: 8/10 Price: 7/10 (RM 17.90 for the Mashacre - it's quite expensive if you have a set. But you get a drink with this set too. Otherwise you can just get the savoury pie without any topping. I forgot how much was one w/o anything; RM 9.90 for the s'mores pie - very expensive for such a low cost one. I suggest going for others like the Nutella pie or those that are more gourmet to get more value for money. But if you love smores, go ahead! It's quite small though. About 4 inches diameter.)