A nyonya restaurant that we always visit during melaka trip. Clock wise

1) Sayur Loday : vegetable cook in coconut milk

2) Chicken Candlenut : a traditional recipe that passed down few generation, chicken cook in lemongrass and candlenut, it's refreshing and lemony.

3) Ngoh Hiang : deep fried pork in bean curd skin

4) Popiah : this is special Popiah with crispy pork lard, so good

5) Pork in Tamarind : tanginess pork that add up the appetite.

6) Pie Tee : a small golden hat fill with jicama, bean curd and other condiment.

7) Babi Chincaluk : only in melaka type of cuisine, pork cook in Chincaluk sauce, a special type of shrimp paste