{ We Tried: Spicy Teriyaki Chicken Piza and Seafood Piza } * Our Thoughts: Piza tasted okay when it was hot but when cold, its not. We loved the slightly charred crusts though! The Seafood piza came with only a small amount of seafood with prawns chopped into mini size. The spicy terriyaki gave a better kick as it was spicy (remove green chillis if you cant take spiciness). Interestingly, the pizas were accompanied by tobasco sauce along with the usual cheese and chilli flakes. Kae managed to finish the last few slices of piza with tobasco which helped to enchance flavours. Egrill and Piza are currently having 1 for 1 in stores til 31st March! * - We rate Egrill and Piza 4/10 - #jaepluskaereviews