If you are looking for quality Cantonese fare, this is one place to look out for! Although abit pricey, most of the food here do have a certain standard, especially the fried spam fries here that is coated with salted egg sauce 😍 not only the batter is crispy, the salted egg sauce is rich and creamy and that makes it really addictive!

Sadly, I was not able to take photo of some main dishes that we've ordered, but I do remember the roasted pork belly and fried Hong Kong noodles being the main highlights. The roasted poor belly came in really thick pieces, with the skin being really crispy and the meat absolutely tender and succulent. Indeed one of the best roasted pork belly I've had!

The Hong Kong Noodles, though looked simple with just thin noodles and sautéed vegetables, were packed with loads of flavour. The noodles were well springy and were rather smoky too!

I remembered we ordered a huge variety of dishes and each person paid about $25. If I'm craving Cantonese dishes, I might consider coming back again!