Now, you might be asking yourself, 'wot in tarnation is a beer infusion?' Well, the easiest answer would be to liken it to a cocktail, which is relatively accurate as Alchemist, true to its name takes a base of cider/mead/lager etc. and stuffs it full of fruits, the occasional herb or other assorted (usually floral) ingredients.
Case in point is the All Rose Leads to Rome, going for $15++ a pop. It's a mishmash of mead, strawberry, rose petals, mint and just a hint of cardamom, and it's positively pleasant to guzzle down. It's sufficiently sweet, light and it's remarkably refreshing. While I couldn't taste the strawberry within, the floral notes of rose were clear and present, and the hit of mint and cardamom at the end of every sip made this a delight to drink, and a perfectly refreshing brew to go with the assorted offerings on the menu.
Granted, if you like your alcoholic libations bitter and hard like your ex, then Alchemist's infused beers would be a miss for you. However, if you're like me and consider it near impossible to refuse an alcoholic drink, then All Rose will definitely beat a path to your heart.