Happy 元宵节 my friends! So how many times have you louHEI this Chinese New Year? 😉
A tradition that encapsulates all the best wishes & aspirations for the year ahead, this is a personal favourite for veggie lovers like me! 💚💚💚
I believe many would agree that the best part on the plate would be the crispy crackers that signifies abundance of GOLD (wealth)!! ⭐ Other crunchy veges drizzled in sweet plum sauce are equally appetising! 😋😋😋
大吉大利,年年有余,一本万利,甜甜蜜蜜,黄金满地,鸿运当头,青春永驻,花开富贵,子孙满堂,步步高升! 🍊🍊