It's a small but cozy place tucked away in the basement of Viva Vista, a 10 mins stroll away from Haw Par Villa MRT.
Apart from mallows, they now also serve some interesting sides like Truffle Mash in Cone (more about that tomorrow) and Jenga Toast. Drinks available includes Chocolate Earl Grey, Thai Milk Tea, Thai Green Tea and Iced Mango Coconut. Their drinks are generally not too sweet, which I like. Pity there's no coffee yet. But every hot drink ordered will be served with a mini stick of their gourmet marshmallows (random flavors).
The Wicked Cream
3 South Buona Vista Road, Viva Vista Mall B1-04, S118136
Tue to Sun: 1pm to 10pm; Mon: Closed
8222 0140/ 9732 3123
#freewifisg available too!