@joochiatcaphe Earthquake ($8.50 nett) is a behemoth banh mi, with chicken ham, honey glazed grilled chicken thigh and grilled beef patties stuffed into a freshly baked Vietnamese baguette. It is a monstrous meat maelstrom, and I goddamn love it.⠀

I’ve already reviewed the succulent honey glazed chicken before, and the standard was maintained this time. The chicken ham performs as expected of a typical chicken cold cut, upping the sodium & savouriness of the entire sandwich. The grilled beef patties are the real special element here though, and I couldn’t get enough of them. ⠀

The grilled beef patties, which are more meatballs than patties, are infused with lemongrass and seasoned with hoisin sauce. The coarsely ground beef meant that each meatball required the barest minimum of effort before it disintegrated, while still possessing a satisfying bite thanks to the bigger bits of beef. The lemongrass has fully imbued its vegetal aromas into the beef, and the deeply salty & sweet umami flavours of the hoisin sauce flavour the beef excellently.⠀

This beastly banh mi will rock your culinary world, and will absolutely destroy your hunger with its sheer size & tastiness. A true banger of a sanger, and this banh mi bussin, no cap(he).