Rode on the promotional waves of 1-for-1, I was excited to try what they claimed as an “up and coming trend” and a “healthier alternative to bubble tea” yogurt drink. What I was disappointed in was the running out of the popular purple rice.
Made by fermenting Australia’s premium dairy overnight, each yogurt drink had a characteristic rush of sourness in first sip. Slightly creamy, cloying. However, with more sips, the individual flavours start to surface and were actually pretty tasty. For instance the fairy oatmeal that boasts lowering of cholesterol levels added a little toasty note but texture wise, understandably soggy. While for the red dates flavour, which felt like a ‘feminine’ flavour, contributed a natural hint of sweetness to the drink with those dried date bits in it. As though a modern dessert with a herbal twist.
Hey yogurt also offers five different series on their menu; Grains, multi grains, signature, milk fruits and a local series with flavours like Bandung and Pulut Hitam.