Popcorn chicken is good, but it can be better. That’s right, Chuan Wei Xuan has taken the bite sized deep fried chicken snack and made it even better. The Sichuan Spicy Popcorn Chicken ($18.90++) turns the heat up to eleven, along with your satisfaction.⠀
Little shreds of chicken are battered and deep fried along with a whole lotta Sichuan chili peppers. Surprisingly, it isn’t overwhelmingly spicy, instead possessing a mild yet insistent heat. Most of the chili is expressed through its pungent & peppery aroma, meaning that you smell the heat as opposed to having it burn your tongue. Just as well, as you’re able to taste & appreciate the mastery required to avoid overcooking the tiny bits of chicken, and to savour the chicken, groundnuts, Sichuan chilies & garlic all coming together in the hot oil.⠀
While your money could arguably be better spent on larger, more substantial dishes, there’s no denying that this hot little number is straight poppin’.