Tried the Unicorn Cupcake from @twelvecupcakes because just who can resist pretty things! 🦄 One look & you can tell that I sure couldn’t! 😂
Featuring moist chocolate cake base 🍫🍫🍫 that carried quite a rich cocoa taste, the cupcake was indeed already an awesome treat on its own. ✌🏻 The paddlepop-coloured cream cheese topping added a savoury element which helped to balance the overall sweetness. 🌈
In the background is Salted Caramel & Raspberry Lychee Rose, both equally delightful. 😋😋😋 Retailing at $3.50 per cupcake, this is certainly an indulgent sweet treat. ✔
Happy Monday friends & may the week ahead be kind to us! ❤