Saw that the Yishun HKLL outlet was finally selling a mochi pastry and got it immediately! I was expecting there to be yam, black sesame and plain mochi inside, but it's actually yam-flavoured mochi and black sesame filling :O

Ok straight away. Maybe it's just my tastebuds, but THIS IS NOT REAL BLACK SESAME. At first, I couldn't taste that signature, gritty, bitter black sesame and thought that maybe it was because the mochi was overpowering it. But as I kept eating and scooped out a bit of the black sesame on its own to taste it, I honestly feel like that is DEFINITELY NOT BLACK SESAME. It tastes like AKK mung bean filling, right down to the soft and smooth texture 😡 I don't know if HKLL is trying to cut costs and just dyed some mung bean filling black, or if they blended it with a few black sesame seeds, but seriously, not black sesame.

The yam mochi was pretty generous at least, but quite bland and the yam taste is really slight. It's sticky and chewy. Wish the taste was more prominent.

Overall it's still a good pastry but I feel so cheated by the fake black sesame (ok there's a chance that it's not fake, just not good or proper bssm), if I wanted a mung bean pastry, I would have gotten one 🤦‍♀️ I wouldn't buy this again though, unless I get my proper black sesame.

⭐ Rating: 7.4/10 impostor sesame seeds
🤑 worth the price: sure?
🦖 would I buy again: no
💍 would I marry: I'd feel too catfished

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