I didn't even bother to try the coconut before buying because everyone has been raving about it. True enough, it was so good. Light and cooling, with bits of coconut flesh adding a nice crunch. Had the pistachio too which impressed me even more than the coconut. It was so rich with the roasted nutty flavour I couldn't help but compare if I liked this more than Creamier/Fatcat's. At $4.40 (premium flavour), I would say it beats Fatcat's just because the latter is more expensive for the quantity given. One thing about the gelato here is the use of less fats, which made my sister comment that she didn't even feel full after eating two scoops. However, the texture suffers as a result. The melon gelato was plain icy, crumbling under the touch of the spoon. The pistachio and coconut gelato was alright though, and the intense flavour more than made up for the lack of creaminess.

The coconut flavour is the best I had! 😍😍
Eileen Ong yup best I had too!