Recently, @xmxlormee has partnered with @ryanxgo of @foodkingnoc to open a branch along Balestier Road, offering the same lor mee goodness but this time round this outlet is opened daily from 9am to 9pm, or until sold out. This also means that you can your lor mee for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
The prices over at this new outlet is priced higher and pictured is the $6 portion which comes with your choice of noodles, sliced braised pork belly and the difference maker, fried fish chunks. The dash of black vinegar, scoop of minced garlic and chilli add a whole new dimension to the flavours but without them, you can already taste the savoury umami-ness from the braised gravy.
✨ Old Airport Road Lor Mee (Xin Mei Xiang Zheng Zong Lor Mee)
📍 586 Balestier Road, Eastpac Building, 01-01, Singapore 329898
🍴 [Self Funded]