@saporitasg claim to fame is their signature Truffle Cheese wheel Pasta ($15 nett), and you’ve probably seen at least one article or tiktok about this pasta. A whole Grana Padano cheese wheel is imported all the way from Italy and hollowed out so the the pasta can be twirled around within to acquire extra cheesiness. After a quick spin in the colossal cheese wheel, the heap of pasta is drizzled with fragrant truffle oil.⠀

Of course, there’s more to this pasta than it just being twirled in the cheese wheel & being lashed with truffle oil. The al dente fettuccine is tossed in a béchamel sauce before getting that iconic toss in the cheese wheel, and then the pasta gets returned to the frypan to let the béchamel, Grana Padano & fettuccine unite properly. As you might expect, it’s an incredibly cheesy & creamy experience, capped off by the charming chew of the fettuccine.⠀

Unfortunately, there was one thing conspicuously absent from the pasta. Yup, there was absolutely no truffle scent. Despite @visualindulgence being very sure that he ordered the truffle one instead of the Fettucine Cheese-wheel ($14), we neither smelt nor tasted any truffle. Despite the missing truffle aroma, the Truffle Cheese-wheel Pasta was plenty palatable, and it’s definitely worth sampling.