This is Nude Seafood vision of the ultimate fish soup. Two premium fishes - threadfin, used in the rich thick collagen broth; and pomfret fish, served as the silky fish slices. Cooked with fried scallops and traditional Teochew accompaniments, it's very tasty, and very healthy. I don't think salt nor msg was added, it's as genuine as it tasted.
This dish is created in honour of Junchen's grandpa. His grandpa sold fish along River Valley Road as a street hawker, before moving into a wet market at the first new town in Singapore, Queenstown. From there, to a small factory in Redhill, before moving to Jurong Fishery Port, where their factory is one of the only two factories within the port area. That's right, his family’s wholesale business is Hai Sia Seafood.
This soup thus spans 3 generations of the Ang family. And for us, we get the best fish in this soup, because Junchen shared with me that he's always the first to pick the best seafood at his family’s seafood wholesale business. And you'll see that his pomfret is indeed more tender, more silky than most around.