Inspired by Tokyo's vibrant Icho Matsuri, where the streets come alive with the golden glow of ginkgo leaves, Ginkyō By Kinki brings that same spirit of celebration to your plate every day!

The vibrant bistro, with its cosmopolitan twist on Japanese cuisine, serves up a tantalizing menu of small plates, hearty mains, and playful bites like Ginkyō Crispies. Chef Terence Ong's creative flair shines through dishes like Kimchi Onigiri Arancini and Aged Otoro Tataki. Pair your meal with sensational cocktails, like the Blackout with charcoal-infused shochu, for a truly immersive experience.

With its inviting ambiance and laid-back vibes, Ginkyō is the perfect spot to wind-down and celebrate life’s everyday joys!