Taking over the stall that was previously occupied by Western Barbeque, Buk Chang Dong Soon Tofu offers an affordably priced range of soondubu jjigae as compared to SBCD. There werepork, seafood, vegetables soon tofu set.

The silky tofu here is made using Korean premium soybean while the broth contains 10 ingredients that contribute to a robust flavour. That probably explained why it was so easy to slurp up the silky tofu and getting addicted to the stew. While I appreciate that the amount of ingredients in the small bowl of tofu chew and the fact that the pork slices were rather tender, I found it difficult to justify for the price of $7 given the tiny bowl of stew. Nevertheless, it is still one of my to-go choices on a rainy day.

Comes with rice, a packet of seaweed and a small portion of kimchi.