Won credits from a giveaway by @rbfbakes, glad my indecisiveness led to picking all 3 available flavours for the month even though it meant having to top up, cos these cookies disappeared pretty fast.

Unanimous favourite would be the very addictive crunchy cornflakes with raisin cookies, light buttery base and not too sweet. Feels like cny all over again šŸ˜›

Sea salt dark chocolate was great too. Crisp, slightly sweet but the classic addition of salt gives quite a good balance, and I liked that there was gooey chocolatey goodness in every bite. A little messy, but the good kind (So no one can steal my cookies and get away with it HA).

Enjoyed the Earl Grey Tea cookies. Mildly buttery and I loved the melt-in-your-mouth texture. Pleasantly subtle, though Iā€™d have liked an even stronger earl grey flavour.