Loved the variety of fresh vegetables in the buffet selection. Particularly loved the King Oyster Mushroom with its chewy tender texture and vegetal earthy savoury flavour, the soft Spinach with vegetal sweet flavour, and the crisp Tang O / Garland Chrysanthemum with its vegetal bitter herbal sweet flavour
The range of fresh meats from the buffet selection is above average in quality. Most are thinly sliced to enable quick cooking. Among them, I loved the tender succulent Beef for its fresh meaty savoury sweet flavour, and the chunky chewy Chicken which picked up the herbal sweet savoury notes of the broth.
Excited by the fresh seafood in the buffet selection. The prawns were a stand-out, juicy and succulent with bright meaty sweet savoury flavour, while the tender Mackeral Fish absorbed the broth to gain meaty sweet savoury salty flavour.
Invited tasting.
COCA Restaurant
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